Now I know that to be an efficient DevOps engineer, I need to master Linux and its commands.
I started with some basic commands.
1. Pwd - Present working directory
# pwd - It shows on which directory you working currently,let consider
i am working in directory name krishna then pwd command
show me result as in
example= /home/ubuntu/krishna
2.history - it will show us what commands we use as per now in linux system.
3.clear - use for clear the screen, flush off whatever command and data on screen.
4.whoami - show details of user who is logged in
Here my current user is ubuntu, then it will show as ubuntu
5. cd - change Directory
1. cd :- with only cd it will take us back at user directory.
2. cd~ :- with this take us back as user directory.
3. cd .. :- switch back one step back
4. cd directory_name :- switch to required directory.
6.mkdir - create a directory
example:-mkdir radha - radha directoy created
mkdir ram sham laxman - create number of directoy at one go.
7.touch - create a empty file
example:- touch file1.txt- singe file
touch apple mango fil2.txt - create number of file at one go.
8.rm = remove file or directory
example = rm apple - apple file deleted or removed
rm -r sham - sham direcory removed
Let me know if anything needs to be corrected.